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Welcome to the Signature Moment of March 2022! Our latest releases revealed.

Rediscover Your Community and Reimagine Engagement

Redefine, Redesign, Re-engage

Explore new ways to unveil the possibilities

App Analytics

In depth, actionable app insights to strengthen engagement

  • Moving from App Design to App Analytics has never been easier
  • Provides visibility into your app audience such as: users, downloads, time of day
  • Distinguishes how your content is faring by showing: Top 10 Items, Top 10 Containers, Push Notifications and how these analytics rank and change by date
Public Group Finder

Benefit from a cleaner, more robust, responsive public group finder solution

  • Display a list of public groups in a card view that is simple to navigate and easy to information about the group
  • Creates ease of use when messaging the group leader to request to join
  • Additional filter options to fully engage
Donor Development Enhancements

Top Donor information inclusive of all of your donors and a household view of your donor development data to go along with the community member view

  • Toggle between Community Member and Household View
  • Redefine metrics using Household New Donors, New Recurring, At Risk, Lapsed, etc.
  • Re-engage with people in a new way with enhanced Top 100 Donor List expansion to include totality of givers
Resi Draggable

While life and the internet can be unpredictable, we’re committed to Resi reliability.

  • Using the Resi Draggable gives the viewer an immersive experience into your Resi Livestream or Video Library content
  • Resi customers are able to easily find the Resi icon within App Studio – drag and drop it into the correct Item and click ‘Make it Live”
QR Code for App Download

Simply: scan, click, engage

  • Guide your users towards engagement by presenting a QR Code that helps them download your organization’s app
  • Your QR Code has already been generated with your logo at the center – just head to the App Studio to download it
  • Place the QR Code for App Download anywhere that grabs your users attention: social media, back of the pew
Create Events in the App

Empower leaders by enabling them to create and manage events all from the app

  • Reduces dependency on desktop/laptop to create an event
  • Simplifies the event creation process and allowing leaders to create an event on the fly
LEAD App now available in Spanish

Empower parish leaders with the ability to easily choose their preferred language in the LEAD App.

  • Recognizes the language preference set up in the devices
  • Seamlessly translates localized, non-editable content in the LEAD app into Spanish
Annual Recurring Giving

Report, plan, and make critical decisions to further the parish mission while offering parishioners more choice and control

  • Administer more choice and control over recurring options
  • Help parishioners memorialize a date or set appropriate annual recurring gifts affiliated with the Catholic calendar
Rock RMS Event Payment Integration

Provides Rock RMS customers with a best-in-class event payment solution

  • Allows Rock RMS users to centralize payments
  • Provides simpler reporting & reconciliation
  • Acknowledges giver/payers familiarity and trust with Rock RMS and payment experience

We at Pushpay work to develop products that empower generosity, engage people, and build community. To see what we’ve previously built, visit:  Pushpay Past Releases & Upcoming Features.

Meet ChurchStaq

Consolidate all of your church technology with ChurchStaq, our faith-tech ecosystem that takes the stress out of ministry.