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The Summer of Innovation

There’s no better season to re-evaluate the technology that’s currently supporting your ministry. The resources below are crafted to help you bolster summer engagement and polish your suite of digital solutions during the traditionally slower months, so your community can charge into the second half of the year with fresh confidence and enthusiasm!

Get the Worksheet

Make the Most of Your Summer

Essential, Important, or Just Nice to Have?

Work through the same detailed checklist that Valley Creek Church used when they were considering new tech solutions.

Get The Checklist

How To Beat The Summer Slump

Wondering how to tackle the ebb and flow of summer, and set yourself up for fall success? Look no further!

See The Infographic

Hosting a “Connection Sunday”

Take a self-guided tour of our tools, and see first hand how you can simplify ministry, increase giving, build engagement, and fulfill your mission.

Read Their Story

Back to School = Back to Church!

Discover proven strategies for launching a dynamic and powerful wave of ministry this fall!

Get The Worksheet

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